Charming, but single

A journal in dates and drinks

Home Improvements

I think I am starting a new trend in beauty services. Forget CFM red nails and American manicures, I say. I'll take Gray Primer Tips any day. That's right, I'm painting. I have large pieces of mismatched furniture that I've always wanted to paint black so they all matched, and I'm doing it now. (And it has ruined my manicure and I am unhappy about this.) Why do this now in the heat of summer when there are so many other things I want to do with my weekend? Because I finally found a new place and I'm moving next weekend. (Not that I've packed anything or prepared at all other than to buy some cute new Asian sushi-style dinner plates and a new microwave.) I'm spending more than I initially wanted to, but it is much bigger than the current digs, has a fireplace, balcony and a HUGE walk-in closet with built-ins for my shoes. We all know I couldn't pass that up. Just wanted to let you know that I'm not dead, married, in hiding or anything other than busy and boring. I must return to painting. If I'm going to spoil a good manicure, I'm going to make it worth my while. (Thankfully my nail place is very close to my new apartment.)

Charming, but single is 25 26 27(!), lives in the Southern part of the U.S.A. and likes both her drinks and her boys tall. E-mail (listed below) her and she may respond. You can also IM her in AIM/AOL. (If she ever remembers to sign on.)
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Former taglines of this blog: "A Journal in Dates and Drinks" and "A Dateless Journal of Drinking."

Those Particulars
Some Backstory
Memories of the Way We Were
Updates and Towel Snapping
One Year Wrap-Up
Just As She Is
An Open Letter to Myself
After 26 years, she HAS learned something
An Open Letter to the Men Who Message Me Through Match
Sharing a smoke

Associated Content Interview with Charming
The Hindu: Blog Sisters are here

Links (Updated!)


I'm a C-list Blogebrity

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