Charming, but single

A journal in dates and drinks

Day of Thanks

I don't have any particularly wise words on this Official Day of Thanks, other than to say that I feel damn lucky that my family and friends are safe on this day. I'm thankful for my home and my job. And I'm thankful for hope and rebirth. (And that, counting today, there are only SEVEN days left in hurricane season. We are all tres thankful for this.) I saw Rent last night. (Me and every awkward young teenage girl and sexually-confused boy this side of New Orleans.) I'll leave you with the song I've had stuck in my head since then.

There's only us There's only this Forget regret Or life is yours to miss No other road No other way No day but today
I am so damn cheesy sometimes. Have a Charming day, my six readers. I am so very thankful for all of you, dears.

Charming, but single is 25 26 27(!), lives in the Southern part of the U.S.A. and likes both her drinks and her boys tall. E-mail (listed below) her and she may respond. You can also IM her in AIM/AOL. (If she ever remembers to sign on.)
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Former taglines of this blog: "A Journal in Dates and Drinks" and "A Dateless Journal of Drinking."

Those Particulars
Some Backstory
Memories of the Way We Were
Updates and Towel Snapping
One Year Wrap-Up
Just As She Is
An Open Letter to Myself
After 26 years, she HAS learned something
An Open Letter to the Men Who Message Me Through Match
Sharing a smoke

Associated Content Interview with Charming
The Hindu: Blog Sisters are here

Links (Updated!)


I'm a C-list Blogebrity

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